Hydrogen projects
Vattenfall IDNO supports hydrogen projects by providing new or upgraded grid connections, value engineering design and Asset Adoption Value payments.

Hydrogen production is a power-intensive process. Electrolysers, compressors, storages, and transportation of hydrogen all require energy - and if your project involves green hydrogen, you will need to procure the required energy from on-site renewables, or via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
Vattenfall IDNO supports hydrogen projects by providing new or upgraded grid connections, value engineering design and Asset Adoption Value payments.
When Vattenfall IDNO adopts a new or upgraded network, we offer our customers an Asset Adoption Value payment, significantly reducing the total capital cost of designing and building the electrical network. Vattenfall IDNO provides strong commercial offers, which help reduce risks for clients, and provide greater flexibility and support than working with DNOs.
Asset Adoption Value payments explained:

Find out more about Asset Adoption Value payments.
Vattenfall - Hydrogen experience
Vattenfall has significant hydrogen project and hydrogen production experience across the sector and is focused on the production and distribution of green hydrogen.
We are developing the world’s first offshore wind turbine capable of hydrogen production at our demonstration wind farm in Aberdeen Bay. The project, ‘Hydrogen Turbine 1’, or ‘HT1”, which is supported by a £9.3million grant from the UK government, will test the integration of a hydrogen-producing electrolyser with an offshore wind turbine for the first time, or examine its real-time response to a variable power source. It will also look at how fossil-free hydrogen can be produced safely at low cost, and what needs to be done to speed up the regulatory process and accelerate large-scale commercial hydrogen production.
Vattenfall is also working in collaboration with steel producer SSAB and mining company LKAB on another major hydrogen project, HYBRIT. The project, which started in 2017, is transforming the steel industry by reducing CO2 emissions from steel production. By replacing the traditional blast furnace process with direct reduction carbon emissions are minimised creating water as a byproduct, which in turn can be recovered to produce hydrogen gas.
In the summer of 2022, the first rock cavern storage facility for fossil-free hydrogen in Luleå was inaugurated. The storage facility is an important part of the value chain for fossil-free iron and steel production.