IDNO Grid connections: Free white paper explains the commercial benefits
Licenced IDNOs give developers a choice for the design, construction and ongoing operation of new electrical grid connections. IDNOs can offer greater efficiency and flexibility in the connection process as well as financial advantages in the form of Asset Adoption Value payments.

This white paper, updated in June 2024, has been designed to provide an introduction to Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs) and the benefits they can offer to developers and business owners that are considering investing in new or upgraded grid connections.
What you will learn
The white paper explains - in jargon-free language:
- The difference between a DNO and IDNO
- The commercial benefits of partnering with an IDNO
- The grid connection process - and options
- Asset Adoption Value Payments
- How capacity reservation and flexible ramping rates work
- The Common Distribution Charging Methodology (CDCM)
- The Extra High Voltage Distribution Charging Methodology (EDCM)
The white paper also provides an introduction to Vattenfall IDNO's Grid Connections Consultancy service and case studies of previous projects.
Who should read this paper
Comissioning a new electrical grid connection, or upgrading an existing grid connection, is a major investment which will impact your business for years to come. This white paper is critical reading for senior professionals who are wholly - or partly - responsible for the management of business energy supplies, including:
- CEO / COO / CFOs
- Energy management professionals
- Electrical engineering directors
- Production directors
- Engineering directors
- Independent energy consultants
- Fleet operators
- Facilities Managers