Vattenfall IDNO is an Ofgem regulated
Independent Distribution Network Operator.

Vattenfall IDNO - Your power partner

Vattenfall has significant experience of designing, developing and managing grid connections and electrical network infrastructure. We are one of the only IDNOs that provides grid connections for both generation, BESS and demand projects.

We are owned by the Swedish state and have been operating electrical networks for over 100 years. We have more than 7.5million electricity customers and more than a million electrical network customers.

At Vattenfall IDNO we use our experience to help UK businesses to become fossil-free. We have reduced our own CO2 emissions by 75% since 2012 and actively support partners with net zero goals.

Vattenfall has very strong financial backing with over £6 billion to invest during 23-24. We look beyond asset ownership to future proof networks and support partners long-term with flexible commercial structures and tailored O&M services, which align with customers’ needs.

Supporting Generation Connections

Vattenfall IDNO provides renewable energy developers with strong commercial offers for new grid connections, with the added benefits of Asset Adoption Value payments and value-engineered designs as part of our renewable connections service.

As a fully licensed IDNO, we provide an alternative to working with your local
DNO and deliver cost-effective grid connections and renewable connections via a simple, managed process with a single point of contact.

Working alongside your existing Independent Connection Provider (ICP), or via one of our recommended contractors, we review and approve technical designs and finance the contestable works required for effective grid connections to your project. We have developed trusted relationships with a network of ICPs, who can provide fast-response call-outs in any area of the UK.

Vattenfall can add value to your connection via:

Value Engineering
• Specifying alternative cable types
• Shared substations
• Long list of ENA approved equipment

Managing DNO Challenges
• Milestones
• Point of Supply changes
• Site boundary changes

Opening up tricky developments
• Separate connections for PV/Wind + BESS
• Shorter cable routes via private land (save money vs DNO cable routes)

Why choose Vattenfall IDNO?

• We understand complex grid connections
• We have a wealth of experience working with DNO’s and National Grid
• We have a wide network of responsive O&M providers across all areas of GB
• We have a dedicated team and will provide you with a single point of contact
• We are market leading for timely project delivery
• We have world class supply chain support for infrastructure resilience
• We provide design services to enable your connection designs to be modified
• We offer Asset Value payment for temporary electricity connections
• We can often reduce DNO connection delays and improve project time scales
• We have robust processes, ISO accreditation and conduct thorough H&S audits
• We can reserve capacity for free, so you only pay for the power you take at any given time
• We provide end-to-end connection support

Download our white paper

Our IDNO white paper has been designed to provide an introduction to Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs) and the benefits they offer to developers that need new or upgraded grid connections.

What you will learn

The white paper explains - in jargon-free language:

  • The difference between a DNO and IDNO
  • The commercial benefits of partnering with an IDNO
  • The grid connection process - and options
  • Asset Adoption Value Payments
  • The Common Distribution Charging Methodology (CDCM)
  • The Extra High Voltage Distribution Charging Methodology (EDCM)

Contact us

Contact us now to discuss your project:

Scott Craig - Business Developer, Vattenfall IDNO
07890 945859
70 St Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8BE

+44 (0)20 3301 6415