ICP update
Vattenfall can work in partnership with any Independent Connection Provider (ICPs) by providing asset adoption offers that help win projects. Follow us on LinkedIn or check back here for further ICP updates.
Moving to all electric sites
A key focus for the team has been developments which are looking at all-electric power solutions. With the changing legislation coming in England (Future Homes Standards changes in 2025), or changes already required in Scotland, gas connections will no longer be possible, making all-electric developments the future for the UK new homes and commercial properties. In Vattenfall’s home country of Sweden, gas hasn’t been used in decades, and electric heating solutions such as ASHP’s and storage heating are the norm. We’re using the knowledge from our Swedish colleagues to help shape networks that can be reliable and smart to take on higher loads with different diversity levels. We’ve seen this knowledge play a key role in winning projects with developers who are using electric heating, along with EV charging requirements. We’ve also been advising developers on how electric heating impacts overall demand levels through the electrification of homes.
Update on generation connections
Since the beginning of 2020, Vattenfall Networks has developed a strong offering for EHV generation connections. Since obtaining our Ofgem approved charging methodology for generation developments, we’ve seen a great response to our asset values for 33 kV and 132 kV connections. We’ve taken an open approach to our deal structures, knowing that ICP’s may want a lump sum offer to offset their construction costs. But also given developers could benefit significantly from an annual asset value, which can offset the annual charges for the network use. We can also blend these two offer structures, to give both the best solution. In addition to deal structures, many developers have been keen to work with us, to help with connection constraints or other challenges, which IDNO’s can easily overcome as a regulated business.
Capacity reservation
As an IDNO, we can look at reserving capacity for developers, but with no reservation charges. Given this initial capital outlay can be restrictive for any size project, providing this service can unlock a development and fast-forward build times.
Funding primary substations
Over the last year, we’ve seen a big increase in developers looking for offers which can provide capital investment for a new primary substation.
Vattenfall is more than happy to make this level of investment and, depending on the development, we can provide upfront investment. When you combine this with capacity reservation, this proposition is very attractive, and we’ve seen great success with this offering.
Read more here: what is an icp, or contact us to see how you could partner with Vattenfall IDNO.