Vattenfall IDNO launches Grid Connections Consultancy to support net-zero and help developers connect to electricity grid

  • Combatting climate change and meeting net-zero targets requires rapid increase in electrification across all sectors
  • Securing grid connection for infrastructure can be complex, timely and expensive
  • Having energised more than 50 commercial grid connections, Vattenfall IDNO has the experience to offer faster, simpler connections for developers with reduced up-front costs

The new consultancy service will help speed up and simplify connections to the electricity grid for vital infrastructure projects.

With decarbonisation of the economy essential to meeting net-zero targets, the UK’s demand for electricity is forecast to more than double by 20501.

Key infrastructure such as food manufacturing plants, electric transport hubs, residential and commercial construction, and renewable energy projects that require a grid connection are often frustrated by complex and lengthy processes. For example, Ofgem data suggests over 40% of all applications for a grid connection for low-carbon energy schemes – comprising over 120GW of clean power – have been offered connection dates of 2030 or beyond2.

Historically, developers were obliged to connect via the Distribution Network Operator which controls the region in which the project is being built. However, to introduce competition to help drive down costs, Ofgem allowed Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs) to develop, operate and maintain local electricity distribution networks anywhere in Great Britain.

Vattenfall IDNO - a licensed Independent Distribution Network Operator which has energised more than 50 commercial grid connections and can work in any region of Great Britain – is offering its Grid Connections Consultancy to help projects obtain a grid connection faster while reducing up-front costs.

As well as reserving grid capacity, assessing design requirements, and negotiating with multiple landowners, Vattenfall IDNO will also carry out compliance audits for businesses looking to connect. To free up funds for those businesses, Vattenfall IDNO also offers a fee to adopt the new electricity network which can be re-invested by the developer.

Stewart Dawson, CEO of Vattenfall IDNO, said:

As the energy landscape evolves and the demand for grid capacity intensifies, we're launching a new Grid Connections Consultancy to provide an end-to-end solution for businesses.

At Vattenfall IDNO, we recognise the urgency of achieving net-zero goals, and that many businesses find it challenging to manage the intricate process of securing grid connections. By offering a fully managed grid connections service, we aim to alleviate the burden for businesses that can't manage this process themselves and accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.

Find out more about our Grid Connections Consultancy.


  1. National Grid:
  2. Ofgem 17/5/2023 - Open letter on reform of electricity connections process

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